Taking part in Men Minds

The young men in the Young People’s Forum have designed a research project to find out what things affect young men’s mental health, why young men take part in mental health research (or not) and what things encourage a young man to seek support for his mental health.

If you are currently living in Scotland, aged 16-24 and identify with one (or more) of the three groups below then you can take part.

  • are LGBTQI+. This includes gay, bi, trans, or intersex men, or any young man who is questioning their gender or sexuality

  • have been in conflict with the law. This includes young men who have been arrested, suspected, accused, or convicted of being involved in an offence. This might be currently or in the past.

  • have moved to Scotland from a country outside of the UK. This might be because you moved with your family; because you chose to move here for work, study or travel; or because you moved here to seek asylum.

What is involved?

You can take part in different ways. You can:

  • take part in a conversation with a young man from the Young People’s Forum (and with one of the project researchers too). This conversation can be in person or online.

  • take part in a group conversation with other young men (one of the Young People’s Forum members and a project researcher will support the conversation). This conversation can be in person or online.

  • take part in an anonymous online survey

You can read more about the different ways to take part and watch a short video here

To ask us a question or to find out more about taking part in a conversation you can email or SMS/WhatsApp us using the buttons below.

If you want to take part in the survey click the survey button which will open the survey in a new window.